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Stances & Statements



Energy Technology





Energy Technology


The way human beings have generated energy for personal and economic needs has led to our current existential threat of climate change. Governments and companies have controlled energy for power, money, and legitimate national/global security reasons. We are getting to a stage of climate change where the global community cannot allow our energy production to continue as it has. The reality is governments and some companies within the military-industrial complex have advanced energy technologies that are currently being suppressed so as to not be available to the masses. It is evident that some technology is far too powerful for the general public to have access to, but there are more practical technologies that can still provide clean renewable energy for the entire human population, whether that means a device in every person’s home, or a large energy generating station that serves millions of home’s needs. The USF believes these practical energy technologies need to start being integrated as soon as possible as we are running out of time to solve the threat of climate change.




Globalization is the natural progression of a successful society. As a result of working together with the international community we learn more, create greater economic opportunities, and we become more connected as a human species. Our collective cultures are coming together in a “melting pot” to create what might be considered a global culture, one culture that takes the best parts of all cultures. Currently, we have what is referred to as a “salad bowl,” in which cultures maintain their unique features, yet contribute to the whole flavor of globalization.




Sports are a favorite pastime of many people. It is fun and exciting to participate, whether an athlete playing in a game or a spectator watching in the audience on location or from home. Sports embody the competitive nature of human beings, creating opportunities to push the boundaries of human potential, mentally and physically, in a relatively safe and controlled manner. The USF advises that anyone interested in participating in sports like American football, hockey, boxing, and mixed martial arts, among other sports, be aware of the risks involved such as the potential for longterm injuries, concussions, traumatic brain injury, etc. The USF does not support the idea of young kids participating in sports that are known to be considerably dangerous.

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