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Stances & Statements

The Enemy
Climate Change



The Enemy


Climate Change



Education / School



The Enemy


Human beings throughout history have generally had some kind of enemy. Likely the result of fear, self-preservation, ego, greed, ignorance, tribalism, and a biological need for dominance. Sometimes it is justified to have an enemy, but no matter how you look at it, it’s not ideal to have an enemy. It takes away from peace of mind, from truly enjoying your life. While there are certainly threats to our existence, the USF believes the greatest enemy is largely ignorance and greed. Whether that be from a hostile group on Earth or outside of our planet.




A major part of Utopian Survivalism is the emphasis on surviving, as we cannot exist, let alone enjoy life, without the continuity of our species. There is comfort in knowing that even if human beings on Earth fail to continue their existence, going completely extinct, that life in the universe will continue, and never end entirely, just perhaps gaps of time in-between existence. While that may ease some concern, the stakes are still as high as they get for our existence, our way of life, and our home, as it is all we know, it is everything to us, and we must do our best to preserve that. That means finding ways of living together better among our approximately eight billion and growing population. A key aspect of our strategy for survival will be building common sense infrastructure like that of underground bunkers as seen in countries like Finland. There are over 50,000 bunkers across the country, with the capital of Helsinki having enough shelter for even more people than the entire city population. For our species’ long-term survival, we must increase our odds of continuity by promoting education, equality, global peace and prosperity, as well as going outward into space, colonizing planets, moons, and creating spacecraft that allow for living aboard indefinitely.


Climate Change


Climate Change is a real problem that has been addressed by the scientific community over a period of multiple decades. It is arguably the greatest threat to humankind and should be the highest priority and focus of our collective society. The current state of climate change is a reflection of just how poorly human beings are handling the situation on Earth. There is a collective global effort happening to solve the many aspects of this problem. With that said, the effort needs to be much greater, as if we were fighting a war for the planet, for our freedom, and for the lives of future generations, as that is exactly what is at stake.




We need to study history to better understand what we are, where we have been, and where we are going, as well as to learn from our mistakes in order to become better people and a greater society. We must be vigilant and cautious as we move forward, never forgetting the lessons we have learned in our past to properly prepare for the future. Winston Churchill wrote, “Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” In the words of George Santayana, Spanish-American philosopher, poet, and humanist, “Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” We need to make progress, and not learning from mistakes is the action/behavior of a fool; however, foolishness on a societal scale is very dangerous, and cannot be tolerated.


As a society, we should make it a priority to discover the entire truth of our history. Sometimes what we accept as fact did not actually happen or is partially true. It has been said that history is written by the victors, meaning those that win a war can force their narrative on the people as truth.


History and information can and are used to control people. This can be done for socially responsible purposes to serve society for the greater good. But often this is not the case, information about our history usually serves those in power and is not designed to encourage free thinking among citizens.


At the time of writing this book, critical race theory has been politicized in the United States. I think that history and the truth as we know it based on sufficient evidence should be taught to individuals in and out of the educational system when they are mentally and emotionally prepared for this information. Regarding critical race theory, however, it is referred to, we should address the atrocities and discrimination of people that has both happened in the distant past as well as what happens at present, to not do so is an injustice, and further disrespects those who have already been treated so poorly.




Knowledge is the fact or condition of knowing something, this awareness of information and or learned skills can be gained from experience or education. Knowledge is power, and it gives us the greatest level of control we can have in our life. The USF encourages everyone to pursue knowledge actively, whether it be from school, trying new experiences, communicating with people, reading books, doing online research, or listening to podcasts. It’s important for self-growth and increases your chances of enjoying a higher quality of life as well as for your friends and family, especially when you gain knowledge sooner than later in life.


Education / School


The importance of the educational system is arguably the most important institution and priority for society outside of having a healthy family life. A major problem is that often compulsory education is underfunded, and political decisions and personal bias get implemented into the curriculum. From religious values, primarily Christianity in the United States, to national propaganda and misinformation that tells one side of history and favors the federal government’s interests above all. There is also a lack of future foresight in providing the actual skills that students will need in our ever-evolving society. Despite the many shortcomings, the educational system is perhaps our greatest tool to fight the threat of ignorance, and as a result needs to be supported, protected, and made into a more effective system to educate all.

Education / School
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