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Stances & Statements

Human Beings
Our Purpose



Human Beings

Our Purpose

The Universe

Simulated Reality



Human Beings


We are human beings, animals, specifically mammals, biological entities of the universe that have largely if not entirely evolved and adapted locally to living on Earth. We are created from our biological parents and collective ancestors. We don’t choose our biological gender assigned at birth, our ethnicity, our country, among many other aspects of our lives. Every part of our early life is out of our control, forced upon us, and we react to that. Our bodies are created through a distinct genetic code passed from our parents. Much like other living things, it appears that we pass on memories, fears, and behaviors that get encoded in our DNA and passed to other generations through reproduction. The human body has so many organisms within it, we are considered an ecosystem. We are part of the universe, not separate; every component of our body comes from the environment, primarily from our food, our water, and the air we breathe. As much as genetics influences our lives, the environment is arguably just as influential, we are the product of both nature and nurture. Although we identify as individuals, separate from other people, our consciousness is connected to the entire universe, and there is evidence of this with what is known as remote viewing. We are not slaves to our biological bodies, but our genetics and biology have great influence over our behavior. The central nervous system is largely what we are biologically, and fortunately, neuroplasticity allows our brains to adapt and function differently, providing us with a level of control over our minds, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. With knowledge and science, empathy and understanding, motivation and discipline, we can take as much control over our minds and bodies as is humanly possible.


Our Purpose


Our purpose as individuals should be a personal choice. When contemplating our collective purpose, specifically referring to existing as an intelligent life form, one might conclude that merely existing as a conscious entity is certainly part of our purpose, on the most basic level it makes reality more interesting. Imagine a universe with no life. It would have no meaning. Consciousness is everything, it provides meaning by simply being aware. At the greatest level of our awareness, is what can be achieved when working together toward an exceptional outcome, like ending poverty and solving the threat of climate change. With the progression of human beings transcending into a higher consciousness, being more perceptive of themselves and the world they live in, a positive and collective consciousness can contribute to reality being much more special, beautiful, meaningful, and appreciated.


The Universe


It would appear that the known universe never ends, but only changes form. Much like a beating heart, the universe also expands and contracts. It’s possible that this universe is just one of many. Infinity is a theme that comes to mind when thinking of the known universe, as well as multiple, overlapping dimensions, that allow for worlds within worlds. The universe/cosmos, and the life within it down to the smallest known organism, are reminiscent of fractals in mathematics. The universe/cosmos is clearly intelligently designed, and I believe it was designed the way it is to provide the greatest meaning, to be the most dynamic existence possible. It is evident that a great part of our existence and purpose is to better understand and to appreciate the environment/universe that has created/fostered life.


Simulated Reality


There is a hypothesis that our reality is some kind of simulation. While it is possible our reality as we know it is simply a video game on an alien child's computer in the “real world” or even another simulated world above ours, so to speak, we may never know the truth of our reality and the ultimate reality of all existence. Even if we as humans and everything we know is a simulation, it does not mean that our experience is any less significant. This is similar to the concept that if a God did not exist, that our reality would somehow have less meaning. There is no doubt we give personal meaning to life as individuals and that has great value, but from an objective perspective there is a universal significance that could be applied to all living things, and that is, that we all exist, and we all get to experience life in a unique way. The diversity of life is beautiful; imagine a world with only humans, no plants, and no animals.


For all we know, we are a simulation made by some entity we will never know as it may be separate from us in a way that we could never break through the barrier. But it's possible that the entity is also a simulation. Keep in mind that we are in the process of creating advanced artificial intelligence, and the field of video game development is growing dramatically. It’s not hard to imagine that we could make a simulation where there are intelligent conscious beings and that they evolve and create their own game. Our reality has themes: endless, multiple dimensions, worlds within worlds.


Whether our reality is “real life” or a simulation, we are living from our perspectives; we have consciousness, we feel pain, and we feel love. This is significant as it feels real to us; all of this matters whether it's so-called real life or not, especially since real life is really a concept at this time, because as far as we know, everything might be considered a simulation, there may be no actual “real life” in any part of existence.

The Universe
Simulated Reality
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