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Stances & Statements

The Economy
Oil Based Economy




The Economy

Oil Based Economy




The Economy


The general idea behind an economy is to make the best system for producing goods and services, selling them, and making them accessible as much as possible. Above all, sustainability and stability of the economy is key and has largely been overlooked or pushed aside for far too long. Naturally, the economy is connected to many aspects of our planet and our people; it is a complex matter. We saw just how much a virus negatively impacted our entire global economy and is still doing so today. The economy, like many aspects of life, is a work in progress, we are continually introducing new systems, and in general, are making progress. I think there are far too many destructive aspects to free market capitalism that interfere with our very survival as a species. I believe we need to make a transition to what has been described as a Rights-Based Economy, where we prioritize people and the planet over profit. Respecting people and the environment does not mean we prosper less. With the advent of robotics and efficient deep space travel, this will collectively provide potentially limitless resources and labor that could provide a quality of life for every individual on this planet far beyond the imaginations of those who largely influence our economy today.


Oil Based Economy


Petroleum has arguably influenced our economy and world more than any other resource. As a result of having an economy reliant on oil, we have polluted and weakened our habitat to the point of risking our entire future on the use of what is now outdated technology. Petroleum should have been an energy resource that we started to transition out of decades ago. Instead, climate change is getting significantly worse, we have gone to war over oil, and right now as we speak Americans among many others are paying significantly more for oil due to our dependence on foreign oil and allowing “Big Oil” to get away with unethical practices. We have put ourselves in a risky situation with our reliance on an antiquated chemical liquid that is destroying our world in more ways than one. We are overdue for a positive change in this space, I believe we can do so in a way that maintains economic stability and prosperity.




Government is absolutely essential. A nation without any government would be anarchy. On the opposing end, too much government can be a problem. Specifically, a government that is overly bureaucratic, has excessive and confusing laws, over-regulation of business, as well as numerous and high taxes. This impedes economic growth, and restricts basic human rights and freedoms, as well as general progression in business and innovation.


The problems and challenges with the government are many. Maybe the greatest problem is unfit leaders in positions of power. This is directly related to corruption and incompetence. The small group of people at the top can drastically affect the masses in an adverse way. However, the government is mostly made up of people who still have a great influence, and maybe have the most potential power to change things. Overall, the reason for any failed government is the people involved in that government. If they are failing, the government is failing.


The people need to actively work with their government to make it better. Clear discussions that use logic and critical thinking need to be made and documented to make progress and to further refine our government institutions, from the IRS to the FBI. We cannot expect that government organizations will fix themselves from within; they need oversight and accountability, and a major part of that should be from the outside. Based on the past and present, it is evident that the government should never be fully trusted. In the future, if a government has appeared to be a success, the past should always be remembered, and the government still never be completely trusted.




A corporation is an organization, usually a group of people or a company, authorized by the state to act as a single entity and recognized as such in law for certain purposes. Corporations are a necessary system and infrastructure in our current societal stage of development, and perhaps corporations will exist indefinitely. The problem with corporations is the power they wield over the people. We have witnessed how one single industry can have more influence than the entire people, not just those of a nation, but the entire global population. This corporate power interferes with democracy. Corporations like tobacco companies, big oil, and meat production come to mind when thinking of the lack of accountability for illegal and unethical actions made by these organizations.

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