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Stances & Statements

Remote Viewing
Extraterrestrial Life




Remote Viewing  

Extraterrestrial Life

Conspiracy Theory

Spirits / Death & Afterlife / Heaven & Hell




Remote Viewing


Remote viewing (RV) is the practice of seeking impressions about a person, place, or thing. A remote viewer senses these impressions with the mind in order to retrieve useful information. Often the subject being viewed is hidden from physical view and separated at a great distance.


The psychic ability known as remote viewing has been confirmed as a real legitimate ability. There is a wealth of information on remote viewing available to the public, one of which is the release of many CIA declassified documents from the Stargate Project available to anyone through the FOIA electronic reading room archive on the official CIA website.


This ability of remote viewing lets a person get information about anything in the universe, past, present, and future to some degree. It appears to be almost a part of the universe's system of checks and balances, that puts the power in the hands of people, specifically those who have achieved a higher level of mental discipline. Remote viewing makes it evident that we as humans are in ways connected to everything; we are not just in the universe, we are part of the universe.


I highly recommend the documentary Third Eye Spies to anyone interested in learning more about remote viewing. One part I particularly remember is former United States president Jimmy Carter saying publicly that U.S. intelligence services used a remote viewer to find the location of a missing plane to their success.


Extraterrestrial Life


Extraterrestrial life is common in the universe. The Drake equation made it evident that it's basically mathematically impossible that intelligent life does not exist and is in fact incredibly common given the number of stars in our galaxy, and even more so when considering the number of other galaxies in the known universe. The Disclosure Project press conference of May 9, 2001, had twenty retired Air Force, Federal Aviation Administration, and intelligence officers speaking about their experiences with both unidentified aerial phenomena and extraterrestrial entities. There are numerous documentaries on this subject matter. The one that I most recently viewed that I thought did a great job of educating the viewer about some of the history and evidence of extraterrestrial life and visitation of Earth is the Netflix series: Top Secret UFO Projects: Declassified.


For skeptics, a basic thought experiment is that we as humans are already looking to colonize space. We will at some point be on Mars if we do not destroy ourselves. After many years, people will adapt and genetically change into something different. They will also likely continue to spread out into space while continuing to change biologically and technologically. So even if we were hypothetically the only ones in the universe, we alone could create a diverse life force that could be thought of as extraterrestrial, in that we are spread out and significantly different on a biological level at the very least.


The United States, among other governments, continues to suppress information and actions of those involved in aspects related to the extraterrestrial situation. Some people like Dr. Steven M. Greer claim to have made regular contact with an extraterrestrial presence through meditation. While he claims to have had so far peaceful communications using a technique he refers to as CE5 protocols, I believe that while it might be safe most of the time when trying to reach out through meditative means, that approach is still a major risk that at this time appears reckless. While I would not advise anyone to make contact with extraterrestrials on land, I think there is a safer solution to contact, as mentioned in the Projects and Goals section of this book. The reasons for not making contact are largely because it is a major liability, not just because of the potential adverse outcome of making actual contact, but what the CIA would do to you to prevent such actions. There have been many documented cases of abductions by extraterrestrials that, while not necessarily done out of bad intent, have left abductees traumatized. There is also the aspect of the CIA mentally, emotionally, and physically threatening individuals who try to make contact. A legitimate concern for reasons as to not make contact is the potential for contracting a deadly contagious disease that could lead to a global pandemic.


In short, the extraterrestrial presence is similar to humans: some are good and can be trusted, while others have bad intent and should never be trusted, and then there is the gray area in between. For now, it makes logical sense to let those at the highest levels of generally respected governments, like the United States, in partnership with other trusted and competent nations to handle the extraterrestrial situation. Even those governments are likely not in the best place to handle such a responsibility and risk. With that said, I do believe there is a practical and cautious way the civilian scientific community could make contact in a way that would be considered a safer approach to what people are doing today in this space, as described in the Projects & Goals section of this book.


Conspiracy Theory


A conspiracy is a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful. Conspiracies are common, but conspiracy theories refer to usually large sensational events that may or may not have happened, potentially have no truth, are a partial truth, or are entirely true. A conspiracy theory might be that JFK and Bobby Kennedy were killed by the CIA, or that extraterrestrials crash-landed in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. Conspiracy theories are significant because of their potential to be based on truth. We should respect that potential for truth, but always be aware that there may be little to no truth involved, and perhaps could be intentional disinformation. Conspiracy theories should be researched for evidence of truth while maintaining a healthy skepticism. As a result of many conspiracy theories having a dark nature to them, we should be aware that people have demonstrated the worst of human behaviors historically. While this is a truth of our reality, being paranoid and living in fear is not a healthy way to live, even when there are, without any doubt, negative acts and plans being organized by many groups all around the world as you read this.


Spirits / Death & Afterlife / Heaven & Hell


The question of what happens after death is one that human beings have had since our species has had the ability to question their existence. There is countless anecdotal evidence of people having experiences where they felt they connected with a loved one who has passed. Other people speak of near-death experiences where they claim to have gone to the other side temporarily. As far as what is truly going on, there are certainly many theories. We don’t claim to know the answer, but it would appear that there is more happening than a human ceasing to exist, a nothingness, after natural death. There is substantial evidence that when some people die that they still exist but in another form, what people often refer to as spirits or ghosts.


We don’t believe that there is a definitive answer on an afterlife specifically in regard to a heaven or a hell. However, these concepts are likely based on both the beautiful life moments and the suffering and misery that happens in our biological life experience, not to say that this does not exist in some form in an afterlife. Further studies should be done to better understand what happens after death. Regardless of whether there is a heaven or hell, we think people should live a good life, not for an incentive or fear of a bad after-life experience, but because being a good person is simply the right approach to living.




Paranormal is a term that has a wide range of use; it has been used to describe psychic abilities, UFO & extraterrestrial incidents, and ghosts/spirits, among others. In short, it’s a blanket term for strange phenomena and or entities that might exist, but the public simply doesn’t have a proper scientific understanding just yet. We should keep an open mind about topics related to the paranormal but maintain a healthy skepticism.

Conspiracy Theory
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