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Organ Transplants



Organ Transplants

Life Extension




Organ Transplants


Organ transplants help save lives and allow for a better quality of life when done properly. Naturally, something that is lifesaving has major monetary implications; as a result, there is a black-market organ trade. For example, there are reports of prisoners of conscience in China having their organs forcefully harvested. Utopians support organ transplantation when it respects both the donor and the recipient of the organ. Utopian Survivalism encourages individuals to live healthy lives and take responsibility for their actions to minimize any need for an organ transplant. However, in many situations, individuals will need an organ due to no fault of their own. There are also situations where someone makes bad decisions that they are aware of will harm their health. As a result, if that person needs an organ, it ultimately is preventing an organ from being transplanted to a potential recipient in need that may have not made poor health decisions in life. Fortunately, there is exciting progress being made in this field, as the first heart from a genetically modified pig was successfully transplanted into a human patient this year, however, there were complications due to multiple factors that led to the patient passing two months later.


Life Extension


The USF encourages healthy lifestyles that aid in longevity and a better quality of life. Utopian Survivalism advocates the use of emerging science and technology to extend the lifespan of human beings, including cryonics for those interested in a chance at a second life after death.




CRISPR in short is a genetic editing technique that has a wide variety of applications including basic biological research, development of biotechnological products, and the treatment of diseases. CRISPR technology is incredibly promising for helping human beings and other living things treat severe illness, for understanding how genetics collectively work, and for modifying the genetics of plants and animals that could ultimately benefit not just humans but the collective ecosystem. This technology, like all technologies, can be misused. For example, the KGB or similar organizations could use CRISPR technology to create life-threatening health problems for a target of theirs. However, even if the motive for using the technology is good, it does not mean it will not have unintended consequences.

Life Extension
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