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Humanoid Robots

The age of robotics is upon us, and there will be many challenges as a result of this disruptive technology, largely in the misuse of it by human beings. Companies like Boston Dynamics and Tesla are racing toward creating humanoid robots for what largely appears to be for assisting in labor. If used properly this technology can allow for a greater quality of life for everyone. It is clear that the foundation of this technology can be used for robots as companions. Specifically, robots that resemble highly realistic human beings will have a significantly different impact on the user than something that resembles C-3PO or R2-D2 from Star Wars. This technology is not meant to be just the Tesla of sex robots so to speak, although for many people it would serve that purpose. There are many people of all ages who could benefit from a robot companion that resembles a real human being. From the elderly who may need assistance with daily tasks and socialization to an autistic child who needs an extra level of support and attention that is not always available from parents or family. Of course, there are many people today who are single for a variety of reasons and want to spend time with someone, whether it’s sexual or not. While this type of companionship could be unhealthy for some individuals, overall, one might speculate that it would be a generally positive situation.


Of course, there would need to be studies and research done to see the whole picture. One might imagine that the rate of sexual assault, domestic abuse, STIs, and contagious diseases collectively would go down dramatically if this technology were widely available to the public. However, there are concerns about the widespread use of such technology. There is a joke from the animated show Futurama, the episode “I Dated a Robot” which has a 1950’s style propaganda video showing the dangers of dating a robot. In this short clip, a young man starts dating a “Marilyn Monroebot,” taking away his previous motivation to work hard in order to procreate, as he was already sexually satisfied. As a result of this, the young man and all other biological males already had what they would have normally worked so hard for, so they stopped working and making any effort to succeed in life to attract the opposite sex, thus leading to the annihilation of the human species. While a satire, it does bring up a valid thought experiment, as to how such a technology might influence our society whether it be for better or for worse.


Regardless of the companionship application, the USF will work on creating our own robot for labor purposes so as to not be reliant on any one company's technology. While many people fear robots taking their jobs more than the hypothetical Terminator situation, I think that if done properly humanoid robotics could benefit everyone, largely making everything we consume more affordable and creating a better quality of life as well as new opportunities. These robots could help build underground bunkers, and new Utopian communities, assist in aquaponics farming, and much more. There are so many applications that should be carefully examined and explored, such as essential services in times of global pandemics, as well as assisting in space travel and colonization. While this all needs to be researched in depth, I am interested in exploring an opensource solution to help expedite development, democratize access to this technology, as well as to help reduce the cost of humanoid robotic development.

Statement about how humanoid robots will be in our near future and how they will directly influence our goals as an organization.
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