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Remote Viewing

Remote Viewing is one of the most fascinating aspects of human capabilities and our collective reality. The USF will encourage Members who are interested in learning RV by providing resources and training materials. While it would be something to pursue on a personal level, anyone interested in participating in a sort of crowd-sourced approach to retrieve information on specific targets of USF interest can be involved. This specifically means that multiple remote viewers will view a target (not at the same time) to help increase the odds of producing patterns from the remote viewing results that may lead to a more accurate picture of the target. The USF is particularly interested in viewing unexplained past events of great historical significance, other planets thought to have life, advanced technologies, top-secret facilities, and more. While there is a great deal of research happening in this field right now, if there is any way the USF can help contribute to the science of remote viewing, that would be mutually beneficial for our interests and for advancing this field of science. After reading Remote Viewing Secrets, by Joseph Mcmoneagle, I cannot help but wonder if there is a better way through the supplementation of new and innovative technology that remote viewers can enhance their ability, or perhaps, even if a purely mechanical, non-biological device can produce remote viewing results. While speculative, it would seem that due to the biological nature of human beings and remote viewing, a genetically modified human being could in theory be made to harness such an ability with a greater capability than the best remote viewers of our day. There are many issues with such a concept, but I think it's an interesting thought experiment, and worth exploring the potential for such a reality/application.

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