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Outside of the major goal of creating a network of USF Community Centers, there are a number of general objectives the organization will work towards. The list below of objectives is not complete and/or finite in that new goals will be added as needed.


  • Strengthening and Protecting Democracy through education and community involvement.


  • Supporting business endeavors that have Utopian values, as well as providing resources and tools for startups and entrepreneurs in our community.


  • Work toward specific plans to help solve problems related to the United Nations Sustainability Goals. Our own survival is dependent on the success of the overall global community, and even if it was not, it's still the right action to take to help others outside of our community.


  • Educating the world's populace.


  • Supporting the creation of books, comics, movies, music, and art promoting our culture.


The Current Utopian Survivalism Projects (Specific Objectives) :


Temporary names are used below to identify specific projects as opposed to using generic project names, these temporary names are not necessarily what will be used as a final project name. These projects are also largely suggestions and would be voted on by the community as to if they would be worked on at all, and if so, what priority would be assigned to them. Some of these projects would be done entirely by the organization, while other objectives would receive our assistance.

Some of these more ambitious concepts are thought experiments, they might seem like a good idea on paper but could very well possibly be an absolute disaster. At least a couple of ideas shared may seem almost impossible but should be explored to not assume they cannot be done. While some of them may seem like they will have a predictable outcome, the old saying “be careful what you wish for” comes to mind, because many of them are large endeavors connected to our complex world and may have adverse effects that we could not have foreseen, or perhaps could if we were more prepared. So, with great caution, I introduce these concepts for review, which are in no particular order.


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