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The Utopian

The Origin Story of Utopian Survivalism

Updated: May 24, 2023

It's not every day someone creates a new religion, this was my inspiration for doing so.

I was raised with a little bit of a Christian influence. At one point my mother brought my older sister and I to church; I was maybe 8 years old at the time. This church had a minister who was an openly gay woman, so it was definitely a progressive congregation. At one point my mother gave us the option to not go if we so chose. That was an easy decision for both of us, as staying home watching TV was far more comfortable and entertaining for two young kids.

My grandmother became a little more religious later in life, I think mainly due to her recently born-again Christian son. Grandma was trying to make peace with her life and own mortality. She regularly encouraged me to embrace Christianity, buying me my first (and only) Bible. It had a gold cover and I remember it looked special and got my attention. At this time, I was a couple of years older from when I stopped going to church and more curious about what was actually being said in the Bible.

I loved my grandmother very much and as a result of having a close relationship with her I was able to have open discussions about religion and life in general in my youth, and I was also able to continue those discussions as an adult. As a kid, I asked questions and would be candid if something did not sound rational to me. On occasion, Mom likes to tell the story of a time when my grandmother mentioned that if people did not choose and accept Jesus as their savior that they would go to hell. My response as a young child was something along the lines of “so all Chinese children who are completely unaware of Jesus and Christianity will go to hell?” I recall a pause in her reaction, putting some much-needed thought into what was said, followed by a quick response assuring me they would not go to hell.

The more we talked about religion and Christianity, the less I was convinced it made any rational sense. It felt like it was just something that was made up by human beings who did not have the answers about the truth as they claimed. I remember very distinctly the first time my grandmother said, “The Bible is the best-selling book in the world”, for this was an argument for why it was the ultimate truth and had validity. I remember maybe being around 10 years old and thinking, for one, that was not a great argument. In my arrogance, I thought that I could write a more interesting book that maybe could become a best seller. Harry Potter books did not exist at that time, but one might think they might even outsell the Bible, given enough time, which does not make Harry Potter a doctrine.

Needless to say, I was very skeptical of the Christian religion, and religion in general, but began to think that there could be something that I could get behind if it made logical sense. The seed was planted, and while it was not at that time my life goal to create a better religion, it was something that remained on my mind.

Fast forward to my early twenties, after something of a paradigm shift in my thinking, taking some college classes on critical thinking and physical anthropology, coupled with experience with alcohol and cannabis, taking me to a new perspective and expanding my mind in general. I started to write my ideas down on paper. I came up with the name of the ideology, the foundation of the belief system, the symbol that represented the concept, and the physical environment to practice the ideology. At the time I called them L&L’s or Learning and Leisure Centers. Following these developments, I became determined to write a book. The book was at that time mostly a compilation of information I thought every human being should know.

I became distracted by life, relationships, and financial struggles, and decided that I would halt further development on the book because I was mostly convinced that not many people would read it. I wanted it to be effective; this was not just something to express my thoughts, but something I wanted to become real. I have an entrepreneurial spirit and have always felt that I would succeed in business. So, I thought it might just be more likely I build wealth and then grow the spiritual organization.

Years would pass with no great financial success. I did have new challenges and experiences dealing with all kinds of people. As a result of dealing with multiple “toxic” people, despite actively trying to avoid such types, I felt that if I created an ideology, that I would be forced to deal with the public. The problem is people who are angry, mentally unwell, who are very passionate about their beliefs, and who can very strongly oppose my views to the point of being dangerous. I wanted at this time, and still want to this day, the illusion of privacy. It's well known that governments spy on their citizens and other individuals. That is problematic in itself, but it's currently tolerable, but who knows for how long. So, I don’t have real privacy now and likely never will, but being a public figure despite doing everything possible to be private might be impossible when creating and founding such an organization.

What changed life for me were a lot of experiences. It was me finding the perfect medium to communicate my vision, video game development. But it was also, and I think even more so, the events related to COVID-19, the ignorance of the masses, and above all the extremely incompetent leader in the entire history of the United States. We endured the absurdity of Trump and his followers, and, to take it even further, the QAnon people, as if things could not get even more ridiculous. 2020 was the year that I knew I had to make the change that I felt was necessary. I could not rely on others to do what I felt needed to be done. I needed to do everything I could to help secure a future for humankind and to create the greatest human organization I could imagine. Even if it meant making serious compromises, with an undesirable outcome, I had to try; I could not give up on what was logical, made sense to me, and felt like the right thing to do.

My name is withheld at this time, but I’m going by the pseudonym “The Utopian.” I’m a U.S. citizen, a game developer, and an entrepreneur. I’m a human being; I’m not a prophet, and I don’t claim to speak to God. I’m a person who, like so many others, has had life-changing experiences, has made mistakes, continues to learn, feels a range of emotions, and has thoughts and ideas about reality and how things could be better for everyone. I just feel very compelled to share them because I think some people can greatly benefit. I wish I had a mentor outside of my family growing up. That guidance I think would have been tremendously helpful for me to take the best path on my life journey. I hope this book can help those the way I wish it could have assisted in my personal development throughout the years.

I believe that we should not put individuals on a pedestal, we are human beings, we make mistakes, and continue to work toward being better, as perfection is not something that exists. One person is not just one person. We stand on the shoulders of giants. I view myself as an individual, but one who has benefited from so many people who came before me, including my ancestors who passed on their genetics, creating my biology. This collective of people pursued the discovery of knowledge, worked, and fought for a better life, leading to our existence and the quality of life we experience today. I believe that human consciousness extends past the human body; we are connected to what seems like everything, the universe. So, this book and Utopian Survivalism is not about me, it's about all of us. When people think about Utopian Survivalism, I want them to think about what it stands for: continuing to stay alive as a species, and creating the greatest most beautiful existence possible. The organizational structure is designed so that we all contribute, with those of the highest level of merit leading, and everyone respected and valued.

Utopian Survivalism is so far beyond the significance of one person, or even a group of leaders serving our community. We promote individualism, but collectivism above all. It’s about all of us who live now, and more importantly the long-term future of our descendants. Those who are alive now have the greatest responsibility to ensure that others can live on into the future. It would be selfish and foolish to think just of our needs, as opposed to a much larger population who could span a period of time far beyond the age of our civilization. People often think of the status quo and are quick to forget the past, let alone plan for the future. We must be vigilant and remain forever aware of our past, present, and future.

What we do now echoes in eternity.

― Marcus Aurelius

People are passionate about their beliefs. Many lives have been lost fighting religious wars. I know that many people will be angry about Utopian Survivalism. I don’t want to personally deal with the reactions of anger, ignorance, and threatened institutions. I would like to keep my family, friends, and myself safe. I would also urge caution to anyone else who might find themselves embracing the ideas of this book. You can be proud of Utopian Survivalism, but you can keep your beliefs private if you feel that discussing or disclosing them to friends or family may lead to problems. It makes me think of someone wanting to come out to their family about being gay, and then being disowned and kicked out of the family house. That kind of nonsense exists, so you must protect yourself. One day we hope to have a support network, with a kind community in which you can freely express yourself in a safe environment. But at the time of publishing this book, is simply non-existent, but will come in time; I appreciate your patience.

For at least two decades, but really as long as I can remember, I wanted to be a part of something special, exciting, and just plain cool. I have wanted to be a part of a great organization and never felt that what I wanted existed. What was available to me was far from that, and not even close to what I imagined, an organization that had great meaning and purpose that I could continuously support with my mind, time, energy, and passion. Perhaps it was the 80s and 90s television shows and movies I grew up with, that were sensational and provided me with a sense of wonder, and a feeling like anything was possible in this world.

This book is meant to serve multiple purposes. The main one is to communicate the concepts of Utopian Survivalism. It could be thought of as the equivalent book and or compilation of information for Utopian Survivalists, as much as the Bible is to Christians and the Quran is to Muslims. The other main reason for this book is to help create a community of like-minded people, free thinkers, and to seek out the intellectuals of the world to network, organize, and ultimately lead to accomplishing meaningful projects that will create a better quality of life for everyone living today and for future generations.

What would happen if a logical religion/ideology was created? Maybe nothing, perhaps it would go largely unseen with today’s marketing challenges. Even with an endless marketing budget, it could be difficult to organize; a quote from Richard Dawkins comes to mind: “Indeed, organizing atheists has been compared to herding cats, because they tend to think independently and will not conform to authority.”

I don't like feeling like I’m surrounded by ignorant people. It feels like the world has gone mad, it’s disorganized, sloppy, and with the endless wars, starvation, the commodification of everything, we have made life feel cheap. Our collective priorities as a global society are out of whack. I have accepted that I may not be able to make a difference, but I know that I must try to do something to help. The world as we know it may continue in its current state indefinitely, but at least a small population/community can live better, and smarter. As the proverb advises, “It is better to light one candle than curse the darkness.”

Utopian Survivalism is for the people who embrace it, and those living in the future that I hope it positively impacts. It’s not just about the well-being of those within our community, but the collective human society. Utopian Survivalism is about creating the best life/reality now and securing that liberty for future generations.

Sometimes I imagine our reality/universe is the result of the greatest test to see if the lifeforms within it can fully appreciate life, achieve the greatest state of mind/consciousness, discover the ultimate truth and choose to live in absolute harmony with the environment and all in existence.

― The Utopian

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