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Ending World Poverty

Ending world poverty sounds like an impossible fantasy for many people. It is understandable to have a level of pessimism about this issue given our current situation. It may be the single most challenging objective to accomplish, but certainly the most rewarding even when it is helping just a little bit in that direction. I think ending world poverty is absolutely within the realm of possibility. I think it will need the greatest level of effort and collaboration among governments, nonprofits, various organizations in and out of the private sector, and the support of individuals to achieve this over time and continue to maintain it year after year in perpetuity. Poverty is complex, and every region has different factors that contribute to this problem. In North Korea, the problem largely is a corrupt government, in Ethiopia, a major problem is having access to clean drinking water. One region may have multiple problems that collectively create immense poverty. Currently, in Haiti we are seeing a situation where societal stability is deteriorating fast, there is little hope that Haitians will be able to heal their nation without outside support. It is easy to be overwhelmed by what is happening in one area, let alone the collective regions facing these challenges that include but are not limited to the topics of law and order, food and water, jobs and economic stability, housing, and the medical system.


A great deal of work and progress has been made by intergovernmental organizations such as the United Nations, and international nongovernmental organizations like the International Rescue Committee, among many other organizations. These organizations have laid a foundation; fortunately, we are not in a place where we are starting from the very beginning.


I believe there is a practical approach the Utopian Community can start with that can help lead to a positive impact. In short, it would be software that documents the current problems happening in all parts of the world. To solve our global problems, we first need to understand them. Users can document what is going on in their specific area to help further communicate the problems. Documenting information on past challenges people have faced and solved would be accessible through this application so users can see how similar problems/case studies might be solved. The goal is that a community grows/builds around the platform that helps provide solutions to the problems starting with knowledge, and then leading to greater involvement, like volunteering and raising funding. I believe that crowd-solving is one of the most powerful tools we have in our modern society. Together we can get organized and put our collective thinking and energy to work toward solving any challenge that comes our way.

This aspiring USF future business promoting environmental sustainability and survival-based food production infrastructure could potentially employ millions of people worldwide and help to fight climate change. This is a major priority of the Utopian Survivalist Federation and may one day become the largest employer of the Utopian Community, and while ambitious to the point of sounding absurd, perhaps the largest employer of people globally in the future. In a world where many human jobs will continue to go to automation, employing human beings will likely become increasingly more challenging. Currently, Wal-Mart Stores employs the most people globally, at approximately 2.2 million people. Instead of having an organization that in many ways contributes to the problem of climate change, what if we could have one that helps to solve the problem while employing millions of people?

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