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Stances & Statements






Negative Acts & Events





Stress can lead to many health problems, and naturally is something that nobody wants to experience. Unfortunately, life is full of stressful situations, and some people are simply biologically prone to anxiety. Fortunately, there are actions that people can take to help, from therapy, medication, diet/nutrition, exercise, meditation, yoga, etc.




Crying can be perceived as a weakness by many, especially in certain cultures, and in particular when it is done by men. The USF views crying as a natural human process and is cathartic and healthy, much like laughing is beneficial. The only reason to suppress crying would be for survival, as you would not want to cry in front of a person or group who has bad intentions and considers crying a weakness and as a result increases the odds of predation.


Negative Acts & Events


Negative acts and events will occur in a person's life. These instances happen for reasons, not because our world is inherently negative or bad, but because our reality is full of possibility, and for it to have the greatest meaning, by design, you cannot have a reality where negative acts and events don’t occur. As if that were the case, there would be a lack of appreciation for life, as a person appreciates life more when there is the possibility of losing it, and or whatever they love in life. The above statement is a personal theory. Negative acts from people are almost always related to one or more of the following: mental illness, ignorance, selfishness, and abuse from others. If a tree falls on a person during a storm, it's certainly a negative event for the person, but the tree had no bad intent; it's an unfortunate event. In many cases, we can make educated decisions that help us to prevent negative events from occurring to us. However, sometimes situations are out of our control. In these cases, and even in the ones where we could have done something differently, all we can ever do is learn from the experience, accept it, and move on mentally and emotionally.

Negative Acts
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