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Meditation and Breathing





Our bodies are made up of approximately sixty percent water. Drinking water and staying hydrated is one of the easiest habits we can do in a more economically developed country for good health. This is not something to take for granted when so many struggle daily to access clean water and have a real threat of dying from a waterborne illness. It’s alright to treat yourself and consume other beverages in moderation, but as human beings we did not evolve to drink Frappuccino, sodas with a single serving having more sugar than recommended even for multiple days, or fruit juice that might seem healthy but is still high in sugar. Water and tea are the main beverages to consume, and even tea is a diuretic, so it will make you urinate more, and ultimately dehydrate you somewhat, so more reason to simply drink water. Drink purified water or bottled spring water that comes from a known credible safe source. Ideally, you would have your own multi-stage reverse osmosis purification system at home. Even if that were the case, it is not a bad idea to have a variety of water sources, not relying entirely on one brand/type of water altogether, in case there were ever a quality control issue, you don’t want to put all your eggs in one basket so to speak.


Having access to clean water even in an economically developed nation can still be challenging, such as the Flint Michigan Water Crisis that killed at least twelve people and sickened many more with unsafe levels of lead in the water. There are multiple reports of people living near fracking sites that could literally light their tap water on fire. Do your research, and if getting access to clean water is an economic issue, you might find that in some cases drinking from the tap might not be a problem, but even if the water source seems fine, if you can afford it, get a Brita or other costeffective filtration system to further purify your water, as boiling water only kills or inactivates viruses, bacteria, protozoa and other pathogens, instead of removing particulates and heavy metals. Regardless of your water source, it is a good idea to have emergency water reserves, whether that be plastic or glass jugs, or an outside water storage tank.




The CDC states that “Regular physical activity is one of the most important things you can do for your health. Being physically active can improve your brain health, help manage weight, reduce the risk of disease, strengthen bones and muscles, and improve your ability to do everyday activities.” The USF wants to help encourage any type of exercise that keeps people from living sedentary lifestyles, whether that be weightlifting, yoga, dancing, jumping on trampolines, etc.




We have seen over time how groups of people change and progress while others stay stagnant and maintain thinking and living life as they always have. The Amish people are an example of a community that has rejected many modern forms of technology and has for the most part not changed significantly in generations. It is expected that as we race towards the development of many collective technologies that some groups will embrace them more than others. There will be extremes at both ends. I believe that transhumanism is the natural evolution; we as humans are simply not done evolving. It is possible we will never achieve a state in which we have stopped evolving, but perhaps there is a pinnacle of consciousness and evolution that all living things have the potential of reaching. Either way, we have a long way to go to becoming something far greater than what we currently are as biological beings with our limitations, particularly on a mental level. With any technology, we must be careful with what we use to enhance ourselves, as it is expected that misuse could create problems that may lead to even the exact opposite goals of transhumanism.


Meditation and Breathing


Scientific evidence for meditation and breathing techniques have been shown to help reduce anxiety and stress among other benefits. Mindfulness, a type of meditation, has demonstrated great promise in helping people deal with the challenges and stresses of life. Whether these tools are used for reducing stress, for other health benefits, or for spiritual purposes, we think there is great value here and worth exploring by anyone, regardless of whether someone is dealing with issues related to stress.

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