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Stances & Statements

The Now



The Now / This Moment in Time



Medical System



The Now / This Moment in Time


It’s true that all we really have is the moment in which we are living. We need to work hard at making that moment the best it can be at any given time in our lives. All that has happened in our past is the collective of many moments, our identity and experience are largely memories of our moments. Our future is the moment that will come later, but the life that we live is always what is happening now.




Sex is meant to be a positive experience, which allows us as humans, and most living things on Earth to reproduce and continue existence. Sex motivates living things in many ways. Utopians support the sex-positive movement. Sex is not something we should be ashamed of, it's a big part of who we are, but it only needs to be as important as the individual makes it. Sex and sexuality are different for everyone. I don’t think it’s wrong for an individual to be sexually excited by any particular person or thing, as that is part of human nature and sexuality. As long as you are not harming anyone in any way by your sexual interests, then I believe it is perfectly fine to embrace your interests. Especially if you are merely having a sexual fantasy that you ultimately keep private and to yourself.


The only practices regarding sex that are not acceptable behaviors are specifically any kind of unconsented sex act and sexual acts with children or animals. It is wrong on so many levels to engage in that behavior. Exploiting people for personal benefit is something we are strongly against, especially those who are so vulnerable, such as children. On the subject of engaging sexually with animals, this is arguably in the category of unconsenting but also could be dangerous to the human or animal in regard to infectious disease. We don’t need another global pandemic because someone penetrated a sheep.




We support a woman's right to choose in general. Unwanted pregnancies occur for several reasons. Unfortunately, it can be from tragedies such as rape and incest. These types of situations are naturally traumatic emotionally and physically, and it is understood that many people would not want to be constantly reminded of this with a child from the abuser, despite it not being the fault of the child in any way. One reason to have an abortion in these cases from purely a biological and eugenic perspective is that the child might have in cases of rape inherited some level of violent traits from the biological father. In cases of incest, which is inbreeding if the child is born, there are a number of birth defects associated with this.


We do not want people to treat abortions like it’s something that does not matter. In one way or another, someone involved made a mistake, whether that be a major or minor one. People should certainly not get in the habit of having regular abortions. Ideally, nobody would have to have an abortion. But we don’t live in a perfect world, and unfortunate situations occur, sometimes outside of our control. If someone decides to have an abortion, they should do everything they can to do it in the early stage of pregnancy. One main reason for this is to prevent extra trauma to the mother. The discussion comes up when “a person is a person.” We think that is largely based on consciousness, and nobody says they remember being born. So even if a baby is aborted in its late stages, it is unaware of life, and what it is.


As mentioned above, we support a woman's right to choose, if a woman wants to have a child no matter what the circumstance, that is up to her. However, we do think that if a mother is going to have the child, whether she raises the child as her own or gives the baby up for adoption, the woman needs to do her best to take care of herself while pregnant to make sure she is giving her child the best chance at being healthy. This includes breastfeeding once the child is born if possible.


Medical System


The USF believes that medical care is a basic human right and should be treated as such. At this time, like so many parts of our capitalistic society, we put profits over people. As a result, we have an essential system that is currently broken (United States) and failing the people. The USF wants to work toward improving the medical system in general, mainly by designing a better functioning system that can be understood with ease and compared to the existing system to challenge current questionable practices. On a practical level, the USF will have a culture of encouraging healthy lifestyle choices to help reduce the probability of needing assistance within the medical system, as well as helping Members get insurance and medical care that they can have confidence in.

Medical System
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