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Stances & Statements






Universal Basic Income






The science behind vaccines and their use have been a major success story for the human species. Vaccines have saved millions of people’s lives and are arguably one of the greatest tools we have for our collective survival as a species. The USF believes that individuals should have the right to decide what they put in their bodies, as well as for their children. However, we also think that individuals need to be properly educated about specific vaccines and all the potential risks before making any kind of decision. With that said, vaccines, while not perfect, overall work very well, as we have seen with how smallpox was eradicated for a period despite making a comeback at present time. While it was a global effort to eradicate smallpox, the foundation for its success was a working vaccine.




Immigration is an action that needs to be able to happen. Most people tend to want to live in the country that they were raised in, but because of hardship, oppression, and other challenges, it’s sometimes necessary to permanently settle in another country. Migration has been key to the success of our species, and immigration is merely migration that acknowledges the invisible borders that we have created to separate one sovereign nation from another. There should be a common-sense immigration policy that creates respect for the law as we do need order and stability in that it’s simply not sustainable to allow everyone who wants to come into a nation to do so, due to the government not being able to properly support a given population. However, the United States and many other countries could sustain many more people, especially when systems of government are intelligently designed and operational. Legal immigration is the ideal situation, but unfortunately legalities mean very little to those in desperate situations. We need to work toward making the quality of life better in all nations, as that will naturally reduce the amount of immigration due to economic reasons and those related to being refugees. If we were to design a better society, which largely means eliminating systemic racism and hate, we could all benefit from immigration as it has helped society grow in a direction it needs to go, which is one that is diverse and understanding of different ways of living.


Universal Basic Income


When the COVID-19 pandemic shut down many businesses and kept people from working as they did prior to the event, it was necessary for federal and state governments to help millions of individuals with financial aid. As we enter a new age of advanced technology, specifically robotics that can do the majority of all current human jobs, there will need to be an economic system in place that provides financial stability to all people who need it, providing all the necessities, food, water, shelter, medical care, and education. It is expected that people will still work, but it will be more out of passion and interest, than forced labor to survive. Money will still exist; it will just not be as necessary as you will be given everything you need to live a modest healthy lifestyle. In this economic system if you want more, then you can work more for that opportunity, much like you can now but the hourly expectations will be significantly less than our current forty-hour work weeks.




While not the oldest profession in the world, 2400 BCE is the earliest recorded mention of prostitution as an occupation, evidence describes the scenario of a temple-brothel operated by Sumerians. One might imagine this occupation occurring earlier when the bartering system started. It’s safe to say that prostitution will be around for some time until perhaps our economic system changes significantly or technology advances to the level of having realistic robots being sexual partners. The problem with prostitution is when it’s the result of drug addiction, exploitation, childhood abuse, economic vulnerability, as well as other issues. If someone is of sound mind and is a sexual being who likes to pleasure people, there does not seem to be an ethical concern as long as whoever is involved in the act are respecting one another and practices safe sex. Prostitution is going to happen regardless of the law, and since it is not inherently unethical, it should be legalized and regulated. This will help to keep sex workers safe, reduce the spread of disease, reduce the amount of organized crime, and be taxable income.

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