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Aquaponics in simplified terms is the raising of fish and plants in a mutually beneficial closed-loop system. Aquaponics is of great value for several reasons: one is that it uses significantly less water than growing plants in soil. It is also inherently organic, and if done properly is arguably the best practice for raising farmed fish, as there are no antibiotics used and it does not harm the environment. With our oceans being overfished, the accumulation of plastic in the ocean, and chemicals like mercury, raising farmed fish makes more sense than ever before, especially with fish having a lower carbon footprint than raising land-based animals for food. Aquaponics is usually done with freshwater fish but can also be done with saltwater fish.


This aspiring USF future business promoting environmental sustainability and survival-based food production infrastructure could potentially employ millions of people worldwide and help to fight climate change. This is a major priority of the Utopian Survivalist Federation and may one day become the largest employer of the Utopian Community, and while ambitious to the point of sounding absurd, perhaps the largest employer of people globally in the future. In a world where many human jobs will continue to go to automation, employing human beings will likely become increasingly more challenging. Currently, Wal-Mart Stores employs the most people globally, at approximately 2.2 million people. Instead of having an organization that in many ways contributes to the problem of climate change, what if we could have one that helps to solve the problem while employing millions of people?

Aquaponics could be the largest employer of people..png
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